Thursday, July 25, 2013


I am thankful that my husband and I both work from home and get to be together all the time.   This means that whenever we go somewhere he is the driver and I am the passenger. I am amazed how often this annoys me.  It isn't easy to always be in the passenger seat.   In a car. And in life.  It isn't easy for a natural born leader to follow.  (I prefer the phrase "natural born leader" to "bossy controlling wife." O.K.? O.K.) I am not a natural born passenger.. though... I love being with my husband. I love it.  I just want to drive sometimes.  He doesn't feel to need to let me. O.K.? O.K.

Anyway...yesterday... we had separate appointments and so I drove myself around town.  I was THRILLED to be able to turn the air conditioner on HIGH... blast the CD player.. and just generally run my own little "Kingdom of The Car."  I was in control of what happened in the car.  Sometimes... though... I foolishly think I can control Life just as easily.  And I have found that at the root of MOST marital mayhem is the need to be in control.

Control.  We fight to have it. Fight to keep it.

What does this have to do with Learning Love?
Life is not a series of LEARNING ABOUT GOD.. but GETTING TO KNOW HIM.
ACTUALLY.. truly.. know God.
For example, a baby boy is your son from the second he is born.
Twenty five years later he isn't any MORE your son than on the day he was born.
But now... through maturing.. HE KNOWS YOU.
He trusts your love.
That's the way it is with God, our Father.
WE cannot EARN being His child. It's a gift. But like any parent, He wants us to KNOW Him, trust Him and FEEL HIS LOVE.

The  Only One who actually IS IN CONTROL is your Heavenly Father.
HE DOESN'T DEMAND control because He is truly IN CONTROL.
When I fight to keep control it is just proof that I don't know God's love enough to believe that He is in control. And I can trust Him to control people who control me. Including husbands.

A wife who doesn't trust her husband's control... is a wife who doesn't trust God's control. 
When you trust that God is in control, you don't have a problem letting other people think they have it.  Control, that is.
God controls my life because I have GIVEN Him control.
He will fight my battles.
He will defend me.
He will protect me.

God isn't interested in having wives who are mistreated and slaves to husbands.
That's a total lie.
God wants you to know HIS LOVE so completely that you are able to GIVE UP CONTROL to HIM.. and trust that if you give control to a husband who makes idiotic mistakes..
God can handle it. 
When you don't trust your husband.. it isn't the love between you and your husband that is lacking... it is the love between you and God that is.
How much do you trust GOD'S CONTROL?
Do you trust Him? Really?

I love you.
If ONE OF YOU... just ONE... would just talk to Jesus.
Just talk... to Jesus.. like you talk to anyone...
He will.
Mrs. Older.
P.S. Who ever is telling friends to sign up to receive this via email... thanks. We are getting so many readers.  Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of it that way. When I don't trust my husband's leadership it's proof I don't trust God's love. You are very wise, Mrs. Older
