Friday, June 29, 2012


The pretty little girl was sobbing.  Her baby stroller had come apart -the wheels fell off -  and she couldn't use it any longer.  What's the point of a baby stroller that doesn't stroll a baby?   Exactly.
She ran to her daddy, my son, with the broken toy.  First, he hugged her to comfort her, and told her he could fix it.    Her face filled with childlike hope.  She handed him the broken toy and her father took the stroller, reattached the wheels,  and it was fixed.  My beautiful granddaughter (can I also say "perfect"?)......went on her way.  She said to me, "Daddy can fix everything."
She was unaware that what her father had done was not a big deal for him.  It was a simple snap, snap, snap and her world was in order again.  She didn't know - or care about - whether it was a difficult thing she was asking.  He was her father and he would fix it.

It was a big deal lesson for me to learn that day.  It's simplicity was the reason it was so profound. 

I guess my analogy (or is it a metaphor??) is pretty obvious.  Sometimes as a wife and as a mother things break. I'm talking about things you can't hire a repairman to fix.  I'm talking about other "things" - hearts, relationships, families that break.  We didn't expect it.   We were just going about our business, doing what we'd always done, and then, one day... the relationship is over.  Or our child wanders far from home.  Or you fall out of love.  Or he falls out of love.  What's the point of a marriage without love? Or children who don't thrive? Or a heart that has stopped beating?  Exactly.

So.. then... don't miss the lesson just because it's simple.  
Take the broken thing to God.  Don't assume it's too broken to be fixed.  How do you know what God can do until you ask Him to do it?  Just take it to Him.    I don't know HOW He will heal you.. I just know He will.
Give him your broken heart.
Your broken children.
Your broken marriage.
Your broken life.
He can fix everything. 
I promise.
I love you,
Mrs. Older
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