Tuesday, January 7, 2014


What kind of hands do you have?  I read an article recently in which a well known plastic surgeon to "the stars" said, "I can fix a woman's face and neck.  I can lift certain body parts and make them look young again. But I cannot change a woman's hands.  They look her age no matter how the rest of her may have been restored."

The Bible talks about a woman and her hands.  In a very well-known verse, "A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands."  Proverbs 14:1

In my experience in my own life, and in dealing with so many hurting wives, many wives don't understand that it is their OWN HANDS that have created the crisis in their marriage.  She doesn't understand - or hasn't bothered to notice - the hands that have torn down her marriage are her own.

In the next several blogs, I am going to write about women I have known and know who continue to have TEARING DOWN HANDS.

They keep doing stuff that is destroying the very home they want to save.

Like the plastic surgeon said - you cannot change a woman's hands.

But God can.

What are the things a woman does "with her own hands" that tear down her home?

Keep reading.

BTW - thank you to those of you who have introduced Mrs. Older to your friends.

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Love you all,
Mrs. Older

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