Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Word FROM The Wives

First let me say how great it is to think that so many people have signed up to read Mrs. Older's words.  (If you want to follow this blog via email..sign up to your right "Follow By Email")  I decided today, I would post a few comments FROM readers. I am not using anyone's name.. so..here goes:

"I have decided to stop reading your blog (just kidding). However, my toes are bleeding from you stepping on them and I'm black and blue from all the punches! You need to stop peeping in my window. Just want you to know how much I appreciate everything you write and how honest you are. It goes to show that no matter how old we are, it is never too late to change our attitudes and opinions. Thank you for helping me do that! Blessings!" 

"You have strong advice.  You seems to be a strong woman.  Sometimes that is a good thing, and sometimes it is not.  I am still deciding if I like you or don't."

"I am not a wife, but a husband who receives your blog. You seem to understand how husbands feel.  A few weeks ago you wrote about another woman fishing for your husband.  I asked my wife if she'd read your blog and she said she hadn't.  We read it together, and it opened a healing dialogue.  Thank you." 

 "I am learning so much from Mrs. Older.  Thank you, whoever you are." 

"You are too opinionated. You are too blunt. I thought about taking myself off your mailing list, but decided not to, for now."

"I did pray.  My husband cheated on my anyway.  There are some men who don't want a Godly wife.  My husband was one of them.  Will you pray for me?  My heart is hard and I don't want it to be."

"Our women's small group prints out your blog and we use it as a discussion springboard every Thursday morning.  Your words hit us hard and encourage us at the same time. How do you do that?" 

"You make me laugh.  You are so honest." 

"A few of us who read your blog have decided to pray together once a week." 

Well... these are just a few of the comments and emails I receive.  People are nice, and so most of the comment are encouraging.  I would LOVE to hear from you.. comments and criticisms.  No one should ever stop learning.. not even Mrs. Older.
You can email me at "awordtothewives@gmail.com"

Remember that God is always good.  God is always fair and faithful.
He answers us. 
Sometimes he delivers us instantly, sometimes He does it through a learning process.
He always loves you.

Calling out to Him is the FIRST step... toward peace.
Mrs. Older

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