Thursday, April 5, 2012


It's that time of year again when I start to move the summer shoes and clothes to the front of my closet and move the winter stuff toward the back.  Which means it's time to say "Bye-bye pink leopard fur shoes.  I will wear you again someday."  Trust me, they start LOTS of conversations. BUT  seasons change and my wardrobe must change with the season.  The thing about wardrobes is that in the winter - when it is freezing outside - my wardrobe of heavy clothing and hats and boots and gloves keeps me ALIVE. However, the very wardrobe that kept me alive in the winter will kill me in the hot heat of the humid summer if I refuse to change my wardrobe when the season changes.

And that's the way life is for humans - it is simply living through a series of continuing seasons - AND - having the wisdom to change  wardrobes when the season changes.  I'm not talking about shoes and clothes.  I'm talking about attitude and perspective.  
The ONE TRUTH about seasons is that they CHANGE - and the wise wife wears the wardrobe that will get her through the season she is in.  

  • You may be in a season of financial challenge - put on a wardrobe of faith that God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. He will. He will. So take off the wardrobe of worry and fear and put on the wardrobe of a woman of faith.
  • You may be in a season of disappointment in your husband - put on a wardrobe of mercy because the merciful will be shown mercy. Take off the wardrobe of judgment and anger.  You will need mercy at some season in your future. Trust me, you will.
  • You may be in a season of feeling spiritually dry and discouraged - put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  Physically, actually, OPEN YOUR MOUTH and praise God for something.  
  • You may be in a season of being disappointed in yourself, or feeling guilty and accused.  Seriously?  Put on the belt of truth and breastplate of righteousness and tell that accuser that there is NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus. Go ahead. Say it. Out loud. "I am a child of God. There is NOTHING the Blood Of Jesus cannot cleanse."  (Didja say it?  OK. I"ll wait.)
Whoever you are and whatever season you are in - God is there with you.  Wives, remember to sometimes take off the Mommy Wardrobe and put on the Girlfriend Wardrobe.  Take off the Drill Sargent Wardrobe and put on the Let's Have Fun For A While Wardrobe.
Someday, your mothering season will end.  Someday, your young woman season will end. There's nothing sadder than a wife who has only worn The Mommy Wardrobe for the past few decades.. and when that seasons ends...  she has nothing to wear.  It's hard to take off that wardrobe, isn't it?  Once a Mom, always a Mom.  But... Love your kids and raise them to love God.. and continue to accumulate eternal wardrobe pieces - like LOVE, FAITH, HOPE, and SERVING GOD AND OTHERS, and using YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS.  Eternal wardrobe pieces never go out of style. They are... well.... ETERNAL. You will always be clothed in the righteousness of Jesus.  Always perfect. If you are His follower.
How to know which wardrobe you should be wearing?  It takes being a woman of prayer, who is in tune with the Holy Spirit, to know and recognize the wind of changing seasons before they even arrive.  If you don't pray, there's nothing more to say. Pray. Pray. Pray. Not to ask for anything but to know the will of God.  Try it.

"Everything on earth has its own time and its own season" (Proverbs 3:1)........... and it's own wardrobe. 

Once again, thank you for the scores of you who have signed up to get this blog via email. Where did y'all come from? 
Thank you for the comments you are leaving.  I encourage you to leave a comment - even if you disagree - and at the very least READ the comments the other wives are leaving.

Jesus loves you.  
That's the Truth.
Mrs. Older  


  1. LOVE THOSE SHOES! I don't think you are as OLD as we may think you are. An OLD lady would not wear those shoes

    1. Karen, FYI - I should not be wearing those shoes.

  2. Your words hit hearts. Thank you.
