Monday, March 26, 2012


Everyone makes mistakes... we all know that.  But, we still get surprised when we are the one who has made the mistakes.
Today, I am writing to The Failing Wife.  You know who you are -  You're the wife who compares herself to other wives and you always come up short.   You are so disappointed in the way having a husband and a family actually feels.  You cannot measure up and you have stopped trying to.   
And so to you I say this:  God is not disappointed in you.   NO WAY! Look at the picture.  You are like that precious piece of gold -  hidden in His hand.  Precious to Him.  You God....a priceless treasure... He wants you.. with every disappointment.. every mistake you've made... every part of you  that you feel does not measure up.... You matter to Him.  He doesn't care about your failures... YOU DO. He isn't comparing you to other wives... you are.
Stop looking within so much. 
Stop beating yourself up.

Look up to the One who made you.
Pour your heart out to Him.  
And let Him begin to heal you by understanding and embracing how much HE LOVES YOU.
What God thinks about you is more important than what you think about yourself.

 You cannot do anything without Him.. but with Him... you can have a happy heart... And if you will allow Him to help you.. one day at a time.. you will find that one morning you will wake up... with a happy heart...that will help you to be the kind of wife your family needs.
Jesus loves you.
Choosing HIM is the first step toward healing. It may not happen overnight... but it WILL happen.
He sees you. Right there. Right now.

Mrs. Older

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