Saturday, March 5, 2016


(This is a reprint of another blog by another blogger. I have permission to reprint it here.) 
 Does that picture describe your life at the moment?  You, trying to hold everything up, everything together?

Do you recognize the fear the little girl is feeling? She knows she is powerless to do what she is trying to do...and yet... she keeps trying to do it....because... she believes that it is HER strength and HER will and HER tenacity that will keep disaster at bay.

And then, one day, in spite of her Godly efforts...things around her fall apart.  And so does she.  Been there. Done that.

Other writers might use bigger words to describe that moment WE ALL FACE when we comprehend that life is BIGGER THAN WE ARE.  When the "light" goes on and you understand that things happen that you don't expect; and that you have no power to prevent or change them...and they


I just call it "falling apart." When that wall of ignorant bliss you've built around your life crumbles.  And you crumble with it.  

You're not "more than a conqueror" are you? No. You are much, much less than than the conqueror you imagined yourself to be. 

At least that's your opinion of yourself at this moment in time. 
Well, let me give you my thoughts on those thoughts...

  • You're not the first person to fall apart.   I think of pastors I know and admire, songwriters I know whose songs bless millions, leaders who lead huge ministry machines... and.. every one of them has faced moments when the life they thoughtthey had carved out for themselves wasn't the life they were living.  When sickness, or betrayal, or disaster or discouragement just fell on top of them like a mountain. When God seemed like a stranger for the things He was allowing to happen. When NOTHING MADE SENSE ANYMORE.  They faced deep doubt. Confusion. Failure. Even... sin.  So they ran away, fell apart, hid from people, hid from God.   It happens.  Do you read your Bible? Do you see the heroes in it? People who fell apart? People like Moses, Abraham,  David and Peter? So then.. join the club of Champions.  
  • Trying to PICK YOURSELF UP after you've fallen apart is the very attitude that got you to fall apart in the first place - thinking it depended on you and your efforts. It's not about OUR ability to hold on to Him, but His unfailing promise to hold on to us.   We CAN do all things.. but we can ONLY do them THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens us.  Whatever has come in to your life that has caused you to fall apart, to fall down, to give up... is not greater than Jesus power.  HE HAS ALREADY CONQUERED IT.  Give it to Him. Let Him fight your battle.  Let Him pick your doubting heart up. I have found that..the most wonderful place to be is a place of seeing your own utter weakness, your utter dependence on the Holy Spirit, your complete lack of control over any thing or any one.  The greatest gift God can give us is to show us that we need Him.  Because He will NEVER LEAVE US.  He will NEVER forsake us.  EVEN when we are too weak to have ANY FAITH...(2 Tiimothy 2)... HE WILL NEVER DISOWN US.  
  • Just because you're down doesn't mean you're out.   Matthew 12:20 reads, "Abruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out."  This verse became LIFE for me when I was in a season of feeling bruised and feeling like my fire for the Lord had gone out.  NO.. He picked me up.  He restored me.  He loves bruised reeds.  He is the HEALER. The RESTORER.  The DELIVERER.
  • Just because you've fallen apart.. doesn't mean you have lost control.  You have enough control over life to decide to choose to fall upon the mercy of God.  God isn't disappointed in you.  He is LONGING to show MERCY.  LONGING to RESTORE.  In your own strength you don't have a chance. You NEVER had a chance.. you just thought that maybe.. life would be kind to you. You thought if you tried hard enough, you could figure out how to control life so that it didn't sting.  But you aren't. And you weren't.  Life may be confusing at the moment, but God is still calmly loving you. Jesus is still interceding for you. 


1- Forgive yourself for falling apart.  
2- Give your doubts and questions to the Lord.
He can handle them.

Below are various verses from PSALM 34.

The notes describe this Psalm as being written by David... "When he pretended to be insanebefore Abimelek, who drove him away, and he left." 

These verses of encouragement are written by a man who pretended to be INSANE.  Sound like a conqueror to you?  According to God, HE WAS. His example is the answer when you fall apart:

"I sought the Lord

and he answered me;  he delivered me from all my fears.  

This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
    he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
    and he delivers them.

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
    he delivers them from all their troubles.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

 The righteous person may have many troubles,    but the Lord delivers him from them all;

The Lord will rescue his servants;"

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