Monday, September 24, 2012


Because I love all my Mrs. Youngers.. and the other Mrs. Olders who follow this... I did a completely unscientific research project.  I did an email survey of husbands - church-going married men -  and I told them this, "Of all the issues that women who go to church struggle with... the fact that their husbands are not the spiritual leaders in their home is their most often voiced question and/or frustration.  So, please tell me, why don't men embrace the spiritual leadership in their homes the way God requires?"
I am going to tell you what some of the men said... and please.. don't kill the messenger... but try to listen to the message.

  • "Honestly?  My wife does it all, so why should I?  She complains that I don't have devotions with the family but then she does it herself.  She is always talking to them about Scripture, what Jesus wants, doesn't want, etc.  She doesn't even LET me say a word, and when I do, she has to expand on it like I'm a complete idiot.  Like, "Well, kids, Daddy didn't do it quite right.. here's what Daddy SHOULD have said.   So, I just let her do it."
  • "I used to try and lead.  Decades ago.  But I came to see that whenever I wanted to do something, or when I had a different opinion about something than my wife, there was so much "debate" about it that I just gave up. I hate conflict. So, I surrendered.  She says she wants me to lead, until I actually try to do it. The truth is that she wants to lead. So I just let her.
  •  "I do lead.  Where ever my wife tells me to."
  • "It's a situation that requires much wisdom.  Because my wife is smart and a leader on her own.  So, I have tried to come to decisions as a couple, and my wife is really good about endorsing my ideas in front of the kids.  We do discuss it when she disagrees, and usually, we can reach decisions together.  I don't like the idea that some church men give out that a husband issues an edict and his wife must obey.  I lead our family with my wife at my side.
  • "I believe that women who attend church regularly have been sold a bill of goods that a man who is trying to follow Christ is supposed to be a husband whose only role is to make his wife happy.  If I hear her say one more time that a husband should love his wife the way Jesus loves the church I think I will explode.  I am not Jesus, o.k?"
  • "My wife says that spiritual things matter to her, but the truth is that isn't the truth.  She wants me to bring home a good, no, a great salary, she wants our house to be updated and modern, she wants us all to have the best clothing, the nicest vacations, the newest cars.  I am always getting a mixed message from her.  Does she want the things of God's Kingdom to be first in our home? Or does she want things in a home that says it loves God's Kingdom?  She is being hypocritical."

Well, ladies, those are just a few of the comments and emails.  What do you think?
Post your comments.
Mrs. Older

(UPDATE: Lots of comments for this one... read the comments below)


  1. Finally someone said it. I am a husband who reads this and I cannot thank you enough for sayhing what I am too afraid to say.

  2. Never thought of it from a man's point of view.

    1. Right? It's so "interesting" to hear the OTHER side. Thanks for posting.

  3. Hi Sue,

    I tried to dodge this, but my gut just keeps sending me back to it (lol)...just a couple of thoughts come to mind...

    1.) it would be interesting to do the same survey with women then compare what the two sexes shared in order to come to a reasonable and feasible compromise EX: Maybe husband lead in his stronger areas and vice versa for women..both agreeing on this ahead of time..

    2.) Overall Teamwork between the both. Yes God has called men to lead household but I think the gentleman above said it best with his wife by his side. Each have to respect one another's roles, and have them well defined beforehand then agree to support one another in leading the family with the wisdom of God. In working with families for years I found open communication and clarification of messages (because they can get lost in the mix of things) was what made these families successful. My thoughts in a nutshell..hope it helps..btw..I am single..LOLL

    1. I think some men have a confused notion as how a husband should be to his wife! I do not like being demanded to do it his way! If he would like to discuss how he feels alone with out the kids around and in a husband roll (not a Fatherly roll)then it would not be taken as my way or the highway! Men need to understand She is your wife not your child. We need to be treated differently! As the man above said He leads his family with his wife by his side! That is what I would like to see in my family!!

    2. Hello Dolores and thanks for posting and signing up. Sue is a great encourager of others.. so I am happy she posted my blog on her page. WELCOME. Your comments are great. Thanks.

  4. Hey, Mrs Older...I'm one of your Mrs Youngers and a friend just posted a link to your blog on my Facebook page. I love it. We definitely need more Mrs Olders passing on wisdom to us Mrs Youngers! Will be coming back for more!

    Elizabeth@Warrior Wives

    1. HELLOOOOOo Elizabeth and welcome. I went to your website also and it's VERY good.. very great reading. Thanks so much for being a part of this experiment also. Welcome.

  5. This is so true. Years ago I read a little book entitled "Me? Obey Him" by Elizabeth Sanford or something. It was the first time I realized that maybe my husband wasn't leading because I wasn't letting him.

    Since then I have made it a point to listen and allow him to lead. He in turn listens to my input and advice. But in the end if we can't agree and we can't compromise then I must allow him to make the decision.

    I realize this whole idea often flies in the face of today's modern wife...but we are called to a higher standard...a biblical standard.

    1. Hello Sharon, Thanks for posting. Great words of wisdom. Thanks for posting. and Welcome.
