Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Lately, her two sons, James and John, had become a big deal. People were talking about Jesus because He was doing these miracles.  He was someone who spoke with authority.  He wasn't afraid of the religious leaders or the Roman soldiers occupying Israel.  And her two sons - her boys, James and John, were one of His twelve disciples.  Boy, was she proud of her boys. Everyone, including maybe even James and John, assumed that Jesus was sent by God to deliver His chosen people from those Roman soldiers occupying their land.

She wanted the best for her sons, and one day she approached Jesus, kneeled down respectfully in front of Him and said she had a favor to ask. (Matthew 20:20).  He was willing to listen to her request.  She asked Him to let her two sons sit on each side of His throne when He set up His kingdom. His response to her was SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SHE WAS ASKING FOR HER TWO BOYS.  "Are you able to drink the cup of suffering I am about to drink?" (Matthew 20:22).  They all agreed they were able.  They were not.

Jesus asks every mom the same question:  "Do you understand..truly understand.. what it means to follow Me? Do you understand that My Kingdom is not of this world?  Do you understand that to be great in My Kingdom, your child (and you) must be willing to become the servant of everyone?"

Do you tell your children the truth? About My Kingdom?

The mother who asked Jesus to make her children GREAT didn't realize He was going to give her what she asked for.  She also didn't comprehend what it was going to cost.

Mom, when you tell your child to follow Jesus, make sure you explain that it's the best decision they will ever make.. but sometimes the best is not always the easiest.  It will cost everything...but it's worth everything to be forgiven and live forever. 

God gave His Child so that your child could be saved.

God blesses His children. God comforts His children. God protects His children. God honors His children. God loves His children.
But it wasn't easy for us to be reconciled to our Father.
And it wasn't cheap.  

When we encourage our children to follow Jesus, we are leading them in to a path of being hated and rejected by the world, of learning to lay down our lives for others, of giving all  to God and His will and His purposes.  Just like Jesus said, "I have come to do the will of Him who sent me"... that's how our child will live his/her life... to do the will of God.  And that's how we will live.
It's the only decision that matters.
It's the only thing that matters... 


Be sure, Mom, that you count the cost of being a follower of Jesus. And be sure you explain the cost to your kid.

"Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—  just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  (Matthew 20:26-28)

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