Tuesday, April 3, 2012


You are looking at a picture of one of my most precious and prized possessions - a hand made, 34-year-old clay pencil holder.   No one would pay even one penny for it - and yet I wouldn't sell it for a million dollars. (Well... ok... if someone actually OFFERED me a million dollars for it... well... I might think about selling it... but until then.. it's not for sale.)

When my son was a toddler, he and my husband and I spent a beautiful,lazy picnic day at a local state park next to a huge lake.  All along the shoreline, there was clay and my son played in it all day.  His hands formed this pencil holder, his little finger went down in to the clay and made the space for the pencil.  And he handed it to me as a gift, telling me it was to put my pencil in it.  Over the years, because I am a confused klutz at times, I've misplaced many things - jewelry and cash.  But I always know where this lump of clay is.  I always smile when I look at this lump of clay.  In this age of computers, who keeps a lump-of-clay pencil holder on a desk?  I do.  I love it.  Why? My son created it and gave it to me as a gift of love.

To all the wives who are reading this today who feel like an ugly, misshapen lump of dry clay.... I say.. take heart.  You ARE just a lump of clay.  We all are.   

The incredible - and completely illogical TRUTH is that Jesus died for lumps of clay.   When you believe that - because of what His Only Son did on that Cross - you can be FORGIVEN of your WORTHLESSNESS.... and RECEIVE that forgiveness....you become the most precious thing in the world to God.  Jesus, the Only Son of the Only God, presents us to His Father as precious gifts.  He endured the Cross because He saw US... you and me.

It's easy to fall in to the trap of comparing yourself to things around you.  Other women. Other families. Other people.  You may not look like much to people around you, you may not look like much to yourself, but I can almost hear God pointing to you and saying to the angels, "See her?  You are looking at one of my most precious and prized possessions.  I love that piece of clay.  Why? My Son gave her to Me as a gift...and I LOVE MY SON!"

God loves you.  Exactly as you are.  You are not worthless, you are priceless. Bought with such a HIGH price - the life of God's Son. And HE will never stop creating you in to the image of His plan for you. So just sit back, be the lump of clay that you are - open your mouth and thank God for loving you today - exactly as you are - and rest in the TRUTH that you are the most precious thing in the Universe to Him.  He will form you and me - little lumps of clay - in to something glorious.

Let Him do the work - you just do the worship.  

"...Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 1:6)

 Thank you to all the dozens of you who have signed up to receive this via email.  Who knew Mrs. Older would have so many many new friends?
Thank you to so many of you who have posted comments.

Love you,
Mrs. Older


  1. You will never be able to know or understand how much I needed to read the words you wrote today. Thank you.

  2. BRAVO, Marie! Absolutely wonderful AND timely! Thank you for allowing God to speak directly through you right into my heart! Blessings to you!

  3. You write in a way that makes me want to read what you have written.

  4. Love this! thank you so much.

    1. Lyn,
      Sweet woman, thank you for your comment.

  5. Perfect timing! This was just what I needed today . God bless you.

    1. Sharon,
      Thank you for saying so, and I pray that God blesses you with a wonderful day tomorrow.

  6. Who in the world ARE you? I want you to be my friend.

    1. I have lots of friends named "Anonymous". Welcome to the club.
