Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Two years ago I bought those 3 lb. weights you see in the picture. As I moved them from my bedroom closet to the back deck so I could take the picture to put on this blog today, it dawned on me that it was the first time I had carried them ANYWHERE since the day I purchased them.  This was not the plan on the day I bought them.  On the day I bought them I imagined myself walking miles with them every morning and using them to firm up my arms.  They are only 3 lb weights but even at that light weight, if I had used them... they would have had an effect.  They would have strengthened the muscles. But.. since they've been sitting in the closet.. and since I've been sitting on my sofa instead of walking those miles I envisioned walking....my arms... are... well...my arms are not the way they should be. Unless of course you need a sail for your sailboat. Then they're perfect.  Gimme a call.  We'll work something out.

In the same way - when we get married, we start off with good intentions and all the tools we think we'll need to have a healthy, well-toned marriage.   We envision ourselves "exercising"  with tools like love, kindness and unselfish giving. After a while, we notice them sitting on the shelf, gathering dust, because, well, because we have gotten in to a routine of not using them.  We forget that although they seem like lightweight things......if we use them they will be effective in keeping our marriages "toned".

Bottom line is......even though I have not used those weights in over two years,  I just got finished taking a walk with them in my hands.  Lifting. Walking. Lifting. walking.  My arms look like they are just a little less flopping in the wind.  And after I did, I told my husband that I think he's really handsome.  Because he is and because I can't remember the last time I told him.

Just because you didn't do something yesterday is no reason to not do it today.

Get your Bible. Do what it says. Ask the Lord to remind you to use the tools HE GIVES to keep marriages strong.  And He will. 

Please feel free to leave your comments.  You can sign up to receive this blog by email.  AND.. you may email me at "awordtothewives@gmail.com"

Love you,
Mrs. Older


  1. I love Mrs. Older. She is SO much wiser than I.

  2. She may be SO much OLDER but not necessarily wiser.

  3. I just emailed my husband and told him I think he's handsome ....because he is ....and like you I can't remember the last time i told him.

  4. Dear ANONYMOUS,
    SO thrilled to hear that another husband heard those words today. Excellent. Wonderful. Nice. Thanks for your comment.
    Mrs. Older

  5. Sailboat sails? LOVE IT!
